What is a Newsletter?
A Newsletter is an email with an update of the latest mentions found in Listen. It can be automated by selecting search profiles or curated by selecting tags.
How are Newsletters used?
Newsletters are used to keep you and your team updated on new mentions found by your search profiles in Listen.
Who can use Newsletters?
Newsletters can be created and edited by users with access to the Reports module. Newsletters can be received by both users and non-users.
How to create a Newsletter:
Step 1: Navigate to the Reports module
Step 2: Click Create Newsletter
Step 3: Enter a Report name. This is what the report is called in Notified.
Step 4: Under Choose content, select which search profiles or tags you want the recipients to receive updates on.
Step 5: Under Choose recipients, select the recipient(s) of the Newsletter. If you want to send the report to somebody who isn't a user on your account, click Add email address and type in the email address.
Step 6: Select the Filter/Sort options
Select Exclude social media to only receive updates on articles
Select Show images to include images
Select Show preambles to include article preambles
Select Include static text to include the following text: "Your account administrators is [name]. For general questions about Notified, you can contact our support team here."
Under Sort report by: Date/Reach, select which order the news will be presented in. Date shows the mentions in chronological order, and Reach shows the mentions with the highest potential reach first.
Select a custom filter if applicable. Custom filters are Saved Filters created in Listen.
Step 7: Select the report format. The summary report does not include the mentions and only includes a count of the new mentions collected.
Step 8: Enter a subject line
Step 9: Upload a logo by clicking Choose file and selecting the logo file from your computer
Step 10: Select the transmission days
Step 11: Select the times the Newsletter should be sent at. You can select two times per day.
Step 12: Select the Timezone
Step 11: Click Create
How to edit or delete a Newsletter
Step 1: Navigate to the Reports module
Step 2: Click on the Actions menu beside the appropriate Newsletter
Step 3: Click Edit or Delete
Clicking Edit will open the pop up window that displays all of the options selected when the Newsletter was created. Modify any of the selections and click Save.
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